More than 20 years in business but

for the last 10 years I've been focusing on product design and branding.

I graduated in architecture, but quickly jumped to digital. That was when everything was starting (at least in Poland) and it was easy to believe that technology would change the world. And it did.

I was an art director for a long time, a few years as a creative director at a big agency. I did commercials and websites.

What does being a designer mean to me? I see myself as a generalist, focused on achieving purpose and quality. I like simple and elegant solutions that have meaning and impact. Less is not necessarily more, but it’s a great place to begin (or end). I pay attention to the ethical side of design, even if I only end up paying attention.

One thing I’ve learnt over the years is that success starts with conversation, before, during, and after. I try to keep this in mind when helping to build strategy, creating concepts, collaborating with the team and ultimately, designing. I like to make things happen. It’s been my journey for over 30 years, and I’m still learning every day.

I started as an architect, but that's the old days.
I am a photographer, although these days, we all are.